Setting up a multisite network was interesting and stressful. It is interesting because someone doesn’t typically think about all the subdomains and other parts a site could have. Stressful because one of the first things you must do is mess with some files, and as any computer person can tell you, it is very easy to mess up everything just because you forget a semicolon.
once you set up the the allow multisite you need to disable all of your plugins which is one of the easier things and something simple to do.
Along with editing the wp-config, you have to edit the .htaccess file with additional rules, which is also stressful for the same reasons as editing the config, easy to mess up and not notice your mistake.
Once you have your files edited and ready to make sure everything is working, you need to refresh your page, this will allow you to see your new menu, which has a small but big change, instead of saying your site it says your sites. This allows you to change individual sites.
While you may feel like that is everything there is still a few key things you must do. First, it is always good to look at the settings because you may need to edit them.
With the new site you need to make the site look good, and by that, I mean that you need to make sure your new site has a theme, this can be different from the main site, and this could be seen in school sites that may have a different background for all its pages in certain departments.
With the new site, there is something else that is key, Admins. Without adding admins, once a site gets too big, it can become too much for a single person so you can add an admin to the new site. But this admin may not necessarily be an admin for other sites connected to your main one. This is helpful so that an admin can help manage large networks while each admin has their own “domain,” so to speak.
With individual admins, each admin can have some control over what their dashboard looks like. The most obvious is color. This admin named Kenyon, having a purple color is an example of individuality.