The CoAdmin is a role I made for a friend I trust to have the utmost respect for the site while still having some settings off for a few reasons.
- In the general settings, I made it so that he could not export or import the site, could not manage options, did not have unfiltered HTML, and was not able to update the core. I made those choices because I know he lacks an understanding of HTML and did not want him to accidentally cause a mistake. While for exporting and importing are not something that he would do for any reason, and decided that because he wouldn’t, he did not need the options. I made the choice that he could edit the dashboard, and files, manage links, and moderate comments for multiple reasons. the editing dashboard and files. While he may not use them in case of an emergency, he may have to do something that I may not be able to get to. the links, I know he would not spam anything. And I trust his decision when it comes to comments.
- He has all capabilities for the post settings. While being able to delete other’s posts or edit them will not be a problem because while he may have access to all of this information, he would be very frugal with the privileges. Regarding reading private posts, I would rather he be able to moderate them just in case I missed something, and he would need to see them and be able to deal with them.
- Regarding the Page settings, he has most of the capabilities granted besides publishing and dealing with private pages. He has access to deal with pages for the same reasons he has for the posts, while for the private pages, it seems like something he may not need for other users’ security even though no other user will be making pages.
- He can upload files, He understands what I want on the site, and we have similar tastes, so he can upload files such as pictures.
- he can edit all blocks, but as with the pages, no one else can make blocks beside him.
- He does not have access to templates, template parts, global syles, navigations menus, and the custom code mainly because we have completely different styles, and he may try to change things to fit more with his style than one that I like.
- he can edit the taxonomies because I trust him to deal with that more than I can. He has a knack for breaking down ideas and will be able to make relevant categories that I may have missed.
- He can not mess with the appearance for the same reasons as the template.
- He does not know much about WordPress for plugins, and while I trust him to click update in case I can not check, I would like him to do it without the possibility of him deleting or changing one of them the plug-ins and causing horrible damage.
- for the users, he can not create a role because it may be too overwhelming for him, but he can make users. He can not delete roles because he may mess up users. After all, I would like to handle that myself. He can edit roles and users because I want him to control the site in case of my absence. he can not promote or remove users to not overwhelm him.