I like my theme, but I still need to consider if it portrays what I want to have, especially when it comes to color because, for some reason, the red seems too aggressive for what I want the site to feel like.
Five pages
As of now, I Have five pages that I still need to fully add more posts to and really flesh them out fully. As of now, they serve more as a stand-in, but It is easy to finish them
My menu layout is good for now, for the presentation, I will be removing the homework archive because it does not fit with the site. The menu will also be expanded to deal with more of the topics I have in mind for the site, such as powers, and television.
Blog with 3
The blog with three posts as of now is not set up but it is similar to the five pages I just need to set time fully write out the posts from the ideas that I have written down.
Video, image, audio
This will be easy to do because for each post, there will be a related image that relates to the topic
In-class critique
I will be in class and do my best to offer actual critiques and not just half-done things
Mobile friendly
this is something that I still need to work on a lot, especially the menu being unfriendly and the images needing to fit the screen better.
this is something I feel like I’m okay with as of now. My ideas are very basic in the design format, so the biggest challenge is still having the basicness that I want while still maintaining interest.
This is just something that I feel like I have down. once again, I need to just set a time to get this ready and honestly just stop procrastinating, but the way the site will be should convey my idea while still being understandable.
This is something that I will need to keep practicing and try not to panic when I get in front of the class. I won’t use a PowerPoint but maybe a small note card or something similar to ensure I have the key points I would like to touch on.
Extra Credit
This is something that will not have because I can not figure out a way to implement this without breaking the idea of the site, so if I were to add this, it would not be genuine. In my opinion, while I may get extra credit it will go against the idea of the site, and that is something that I will not compromise on.
Page builder
This could be something I can add, but I will have to ensure that I implement it and that my theme and everything are set in stone.
this is done and implemented already because I did purchase a certificate.